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Chaplaincy Forum

The Chaplaincy Forum for Pastoral, Spiritual & Religious Care in Health met on 18 July 2024 and shared 5 points for information, which can be found on our UKBHC and other Organisations page.


St Luke’s Hospice in Cheshire are currently recruiting for a Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy Co-ordinator. More details, including a link to apply, can be found on our Current Vacancies page.

‘Thought for the day’ from Tom Gordon

Tom Gordon was the president of the AHPCC for some years, and has published several books since retiring. He has also continued to produce a daily thought every day since March 2020.
You can find Tom’s thought for today, and for previous days, here

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AHPCC Membership

Is your AHPCC membership paid up and current? If you wish to join the AHPCC or renew your membership, you can download the Membership Form here. Membership is for the calendar year, but applications received after October 1 will cover the new year.

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If you’re new to this website…

Whether you’ve worked in palliative care for years or you’re new in post, we hope you find this website helpful. It’s regularly updated, and alerts also appear on Facebook, especially for new vacancies. Contributions of articles and resources are welcome. New items appear on this page for six to eight weeks, but after that, you can still find most of them in the main body of the website. Gary and Tim.

PrayingIn your prayers today please remember the patients, staff and volunteers of [cw_daily_quotes]

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