Download the 2025 membership as a PDF here, or as a Word document here.
AHPCC Membership is open to Chaplains and Spiritual Care providers of any faith, working in palliative care or a related organisation (e.g. day care, hospice at home) in the UK.
Membership is personal, and not transferable. It may be carried over to a new place of work. The membership year is from January to December. New applications received after October 1 will cover the New Year. If you are renewing your membership for 2024, you can now do so.
Full or Associate Membership
It is assumed that Chaplains will normally elect to be full members. Associate Membership exists for chaplains who are voluntary, very part‐time (less than 8 hours), or who provide occasional cover.
Benefits of Membership:
- Entitlement to attend Regional Group meetings.
- Networking and sharing information with like‐minded colleagues throughout the UK.
- Free copies of AHPCC publications as published (Standards, Competences, Code of Conduct, CPD folder etc).
Chaplains Working Overseas
We occasionally receive enquiries from overseas chaplains. For practical reasons AHPCC Membership is limited to the UK. A prime function of the Association is to facilitate local support and networking. Along with other UK chaplaincy organisations, we also seek to establish chaplaincy as a fully registered healthcare profession; a considerable task within the UK context alone.
However, we do welcome correspondence with chaplains around the world. Our website is open to you, along with its resources (just an acknowledgement would be appreciated). We offer you our experience and support and, in return, are delighted to receive your information and news.