Short academic articles, letters and transcripts, written by our members or submitted to us.


David Buck (2020) Spiritual Care Snapshots 1-6.
David Buck (2020) Spiritual Care Snapshots 7-12.


Karen Murphy (2019) ’Hospice chaplains: journeying with life and death’


Milton Crum (2016) ‘Decrepitude vs Death’
Jacki Thomas (2016) ‘Avoiding the modern-day inquisition’ (Author MS)


Milton Crum (2015) ‘Thoughts about ‘Waiting my turn’’
Milton Crum (2015) ‘Waiting my turn’
Ben Ryan (2015) ‘A Very Modern Ministry – Chaplaincy in the UK’
Milton Crum (2015) ’Bereavement’

A focus on Sacred Space

There’s a great diversity of names, layouts and uses of the rooms we designate as sacred space. From time to time we have the need or opportunity to redecorate, move rooms or even rebuild. There is little published guidance, hence the age of these articles, but they still give useful insight.
Collins et al (2007) NHS Hospital Chaplaincies in a multi-faith society: The spatial dimension of religion and spirituality in hospital
NHS (2003) Meeting religious and spiritual needs, p17-18