
‘Brené Brown on Empathy’ (3 minutes)’
A short cartoon on the difference between sympathy and empathy (2013) Link to YouTube

‘The Heart of Compassion’ (2 1/2 minutes)
A short film asking health care professionals to consider patients’ feelings (2013) Link to YouTube.

Life Issues – Hospice Care
UCB Interview, with Gary Windon representing the AHPCC (2018, released 2019).

‘The Long Goodbye’ (26 minutes)
From Scotland’s ˜Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief” (2012). Available on YouTube

Palliative care: meeting local and global challenges
Professor M. Fallon & Dr E. Grant (2012)

Happy endings: perspectives on dying well (45 minutes)
Springfilm Productions (2008). Preview available on Vimeo.

‘Time to Care’ (9 minutes )
Produced as part of Tesco’s sponsorship of Help the Hospices (2004). Available on YouTube

Chantal Fowler resource CD


Graham Ogilvie Cartoons 1
Graham Ogilvie Cartoons 2
Graham Ogilvie Cartoons 3